Anselmi Mierzejewski Ruth & Sowle P.C. | A-M Law | Attorneys | Counselors

Anselmi Mierzejewski Ruth & Sowle P.C.

Insurance Defense Counsel In Jurisdictions Throughout Michigan

AM Law attorney Chris Lawicki Prevail in the Court of Appeals

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2023 | Firm News

A-M attorney Chris Lawicki recently prevailed in the Court of Appeals with an opinion affirming a grant of summary disposition to the defendant insurer, based on the plaintiff’s commission of a fraudulent insurance act under MCL 500.3173a. The Court held that the plaintiff had knowingly made false material statements in his application for benefits by omitting extensive information about his medical history and preexisting conditions, making him ineligible for any no-fault benefits through the Michigan Automobile Insurance Placement Facility. This win saved our clients over $620,000.00 in outstanding PIP benefit claims.