Insurance Coverage Disputes And Declaratory Actions
In situations involving coverage disputes, having the assistance of an accomplished lawyer who knows how to act quickly for your company can mean the difference between dismissing a case and millions of dollars in damages.
The attorneys of Anselmi Mierzejewski Ruth & Sowle P.C., have more than three decades of experience helping insurance companies resolve or avoid coverage disputes as early in a case as possible.
To efficiently handle disputed issues, we act preemptively by filing both a declaratory action and an action against other carriers. This allows us to retain as much control of the process as possible and to ensure your company’s best interests are protected from the outset.
Types Of Coverage Disputes
Based in Bloomfield Hills, we are able to assist clients in Michigan with any type of coverage dispute situation. However, there are two types of disputes that arise more commonly than others. We are especially well-equipped to handle these situations, which involve:
Priority questions: We use the full resources of our firm to help determine whether our client or another insurance company has the priority to pay the claim. If our client does not have first priority, we use the assertive advocacy techniques that have made us a leader in the insurance defense industry to dispose of a case as soon as possible.
General insurance coverage questions: We use our piercing discovery techniques and trial-oriented approach to the law to fully determine if the facts of the event causing damage fit within the terms of an insurance policy. When needed, we file a declaratory action that asks the court to determine which party is the appropriate one to provide coverage.
Contact Us To Learn More About Our Services
To schedule a consultation, contact one of the A-M Law attorneys at 248-338-2290 or complete an online form and an A-M Law attorney will contact you.